Develop custom device applications from your data source for one or more device platforms.
In the Mobile Application Diagram, invoke the Generate Code wizard to generate code in Java (BlackBerry and Android devices), C# (Windows Mobile devices), or Objective C (iOS devices), which can be used to leverage SAP Mobile Platform capabilities and services, and access MBO-related data: calling the mobile business object operations, object queries, and so on. This code can then be imported into an integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice to create the device application (define the user interface, application logic, and so on. You can also customize the generated object API code in the applicable development environment, where you can then test by deploying to an emulator or device.
For example, if you are using Visual Studio to develop custom applications for Windows Mobile devices, generate the C# code from the data source in Eclipse, then customize the client object API code for the device application in Visual Studio.
See the Developer Guide: <Device Platform> Object API Applications for your platform (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, or iOS) for more information.
See Developer Guide: Hybrid Apps for more information.