EIS Managed Cache Group Policy

Adding MBOs to a cache group that uses the EIS managed policy indicates that the MBOs are to be updated only by DCN messages that create and manage the EIS defined partitions and user subscriptions.

SAP Mobile Platform behavior and usage for MBOs using the EIS managed group policy includes:
  • This option is available to all data sources and MBOs without load operations.
  • Only Other operations are allowed. SAP Mobile WorkSpace does not allow modeling of Create, Update, Delete, or Entity Read operations, since they have semantic meaning to SAP Mobile Platform but are meaningless to the EIS system, and since these types of operations are not invoked by SAP Mobile Platform for an EIS defined cache partition they are not allowed.
  • You can create only one EIS managed group for each mobile application project.
  • Notify EIS to fetch operation behavior - when any operation replay records are received for these MBOs by SAP Mobile Server, SAP Mobile Platform Runtime queues them internally to be fetched by the EIS. If there is an endpoint defined for the “EIS Managed” cache, a notification is also sent to the EIS signaling the availability of the records to be fetched. When the endpoint is specified for the “EIS Managed” cache, SAP Mobile Platform Runtime generates a service operation at the time of deployment with the hard coded URI template. The EIS must support a REST Web service with the specified template to successfully receive the notification. For example:  
    Web Method: Notify EIS of pending operations  
    HTTP Action: POST  
    URI Template: ?cluster={clusterName}&domain={domainName}&package=  
    Response Status Code: 200 
    “EIS Managed” indicates that the EIS initiates the connection to SAP Mobile Server to retrieve updates.  When “Notify EIS to Fetch Operation” is selected, SAP Mobile Server sends a notification to the EIS to inform the availability of the updates. However, the EIS is still responsible to fetch the operations from SAP Mobile Server using the HTTP interface.
    Note: SAP Mobile Server does not guarantee notifications are delivered in order. It is possible that the "upload" notifications are sent to the EIS out of order if clients are uploading multiple times before the EIS is able to process any of the generated "upload" notifications. It is also possible that the EIS receives the same notification twice due to HTTP usage as the delivery protocol. Duplicate notification is not considered harmful since each operation contains an identifier, but the EIS may want to implement logic that does not react to a notification if it is a duplicate.
    When “Notify EIS to Fetch Operation” is not selected, the EIS still fetches the operations from SAP Mobile Server. The difference is that the schedule to fetch is EIS determined and not configured in SAP Mobile Server.
    Run-time mapping: you must map the REST Web service development connection profile to a run-time connection to which notifications are sent. You can do this either:
    • During package deployment – when deploying the package to the SAP Mobile Server, select the REST Web service connection to which you are mapping, if one exists, or <New Server Connection...> to create a new one from the Server Mapping Connection screen.
    • From SAP Control Center – any EIS connections defined here, display during package deployment.
    Note: If the Web service pointed to by the REST connection profile requires HTTP authentication, supply the credentials (for example, the technical user name and password) when mapping or creating the run-time connection profile. SSO is not supported.