Each mobile business object (MBO) that can be synchronized includes a Synchronization tab from which you configure synchronization behavior.
- From the Mobile Application Diagram, right-click the MBO for which you are configuring synchronization, and select Show Properties View.
Note: MBOs that use an Online cache policy do not support synchronization.
- In the Properties view, select the Synchronization tab.
Note: If you do not see the Synchronization tab, switch to the Advanced Developer profile.
- Complete the synchronization parameter configuration:
Use the
Delete, and
Delete All buttons to create or remove parameters. You can also supply additional parameter information for each parameter, including:
- Select Customized download data to generate the SQL statement that defines the synchronization filter. Unselecting this option clears the statement.
By default, the internally generated SQL statement, based on the synchronization parameters, includes only the '=' operator. To properly generate the SQL for any MBO that is bound to a JDBC
data source that includes a where clause operator other than '=' ( > , < , < > , != , > =, < =, ! > , ! <, and so on), update the generated SQL statement after selecting Customized download data. For example, change the '=' operator to '>'.
This example
illustrates default synchronization behavior:
- Create an MBO with this SQL definition for a database MBO using the My Sample
Database, which creates a load argument for state:
select * from customer where state = :state
- Create a synchronization parameter and map the state load argument to this new
synchronization parameter.
- The device application user enters CA and synchronizes the first time. The
application displays all CA customers.
- The user then enters NY and synchronizes, which displays CA and NY
(Optional) For a parameter to serve as both a load argument and a synchronization parameter, select
Synchronization parameter for the argument to which the synchronization parameter is mapped from the attribute's
Load Arguments tab after you define the synchronization parameter.