Use regular expression pattern matching to locate SAP BAPIs and RFCs from the Search BAPIs/RFCs dialog box.
The Search BAPIs/RFCs dialog used to locate SAP BAPIs and RFCs that bind to mobile business object attributes and operations searches for regular expressions, which should not be confused with wildcard syntax used in other search dialogs (the LIKE clause of a SQL query, or an operating system's file name search mechanism for example).
By convention, all custom RFCs have names beginning with Y or Z. If you were to enter "Z*" as the search string, the BAPIs and RFCs returned would match Z, ZZ, ZZZ, and so on. To search for all BAPIS and RFCs that begin with "Z", enter "Z.*" in the Search BAPIs/RFCs dialog. To find all custom RFCs enter "[YZ].*".