Creating Logical Roles

Use the New Role wizard to create a logical role in the Mobile Application project's Roles folder.

The context from which you launch the New Role wizard determines the default project location of the new role.

  1. Launch the New Role wizard by selecting File > New > Other > SAP > Mobile Development > Role.
  2. Specify:
    Create a New Logical Role
    Field Description
    Mobile Application project Select the Mobile Application project to which this role is added. The role is stored in the Roles folder of the selected Mobile Application project.
    Name Enter a name for the new role.
    Description (Optional) Enter a description for the role.
    Default role (Optional) set this role as the default role assigned to all mobile business objects and operations created from that point forward for the specified Mobile Application project.
  3. Click Finish.

The new logical role is now available from the Roles folder of the Mobile Application project in which it was created.