Searching for Mobile Business Objects

Search for existing mobile business objects based on name, attributes, operations, relationships, and so on. Search results display in the Search view.

  1. From the workbench menu, select Search > SAP Mobile WorkSpace, or select the Ctrl+H keys.
  2. In the Search dialog, define your search criteria and click Search.

    Search Criteria
    Option Description
    Search string Enter a search string, including wildcard characters, used as the name pattern used as search criteria for your other selections. Use wildcards, "*" ; matches all, "?" matches single character.

    SAP Mobile WorkSpace supports approximate string matching (fuzzy searches). For example, if you enter "test" as your MBO search string, the results display all MBOs that contain the string "test."

    Search for Searches for a matching mobile business object, attribute, or operation.
    Limit to Limit the search to declarations, references, or all occurrences of the specified search.
    Data source reference Filter a search based on data source information; search for items that are bound to a data source, data source type, or connection profile name.
    Role assignments Select mode (And or Or) and enter specific role names. Both "*" and "?" wild cards are supported. Use ";" as the delimiter when entering multiple search strings. For example, "roleA;*B;C?".
    Personalization key reference Select an existing personalization key from the drop-down list. Both "*" and "?" wild cards are supported.
    Resultset filter reference Select an existing filter from the drop-down list. Both "*" and "?" wild cards are supported.
    Scope Limit the scope by mobile application project:
    • All – searches all projects
    • Enclosing – defines the scope as the currently selected elements
    • Single – select the project from the list.
    Search results are displayed in the Search view.