Mobile Business Object Operation Properties

Modify mobile business object operation properties during operation creation, or later, using the Properties view.

Operation Properties
Tab Contents
  • Operation name – the name of the operation.
  • Operation type – the operation to be performed. Operation types include Create, Update, Delete, Entity Read and Other.
    • When defining an operation of type 'Other', attributes are not available for input mapping because attributes are not associated with these operations.
    • See Entity Read Operations for information about how and when Entity Read operations are used.
  • Comment – describes the operation.
Data Source Information about the data source from which the operation is derived. Select Change Connection Profile to bind the operation to a different connection profile of the same data source type, or Bind Data Source to bind the operation to a data source, or to rebind to a data source.
Definition Operation definition varies, depending on the data source type to which the operation is bound. See Binding Mobile Business Objects to Data Sources for data source-specific information. View, modify, and test operations:
  • View – display the operation (SQL statement, or Web service method, for example) in a read-only window.
  • Edit – modify the operation definition. You can change the type of operation as long as it is supported by the data source, and validate your changes. Enter credentials, if required, to access the data source.
  • Test execute – test the operation against the data source to which it is bound. The Test execute dialog allows you to load any existing test configurations and preview the results. Be advised that using Test execute or Preview for large data or object types (BigString/BigBinary), can result in out of memory errors in SAP Mobile WorkSpace.
Note: Selecting Test execute can modify data stored on the data source to which the operation is bound. However, SQL statements are automatically rolled back and do not modify data.
Input View or configure the values that map into remote operation arguments. Select Refresh to update the displayed arguments.

The Input tab includes these subtabs:

  • Input Mapping –  Configure input mappings for remote operation arguments. Create, Update, and Delete operations can define mappings for all nodes of a composite object graph.
    Mappings and values can be:
    • arguments or sub-arguments bound to attributes or set of attributes – fills the argument's value with that of the selected attribute or set of attributes.
    • Personalization key – fills the argument's value with that of the mapped personalization key's value.
    • Client Parameter – fills the argument's value with that of the mapped client parameter's value.
    See Defining Input Mappings and Composite Operations for more information.
  • Default Values – the default value of the argument. See Input Mapping Default Value Precedence for details.
  • Client Parameters – available from the device application and allows the user to enter values that are passed to the enterprise information system (EIS) operation argument during operation replay. Client parameters can be mapped into operation arguments to determine how the client passes information to the EIS:
    • Name – name of the client parameter. Names cannot contain C# or Java reserved words.
    • Datatype – the argument's datatype. BigString/BigBinary datatypes are not supported, and an error displays if the MBO developer selects a structure type that contains BigString or BigBinary fields.

      To provide client parameters for BigString/BigBinary datatypes, or a structure with BigString/BigBinary fields, use compatible types: String for BigString, Binary for BigBinary. For a structure, copy the original structure in WorkSpace Navigator, and change the large object type fields to String/Binary, then use the new structure as the datatype of the client parameter.

      Beginning with SAP Mobile WorkSpace version 2.2 SP02, when creating or rebinding an operation, client parameters are no longer automatically created and mapped - except for operations of type 'Other'.
      Note: Client parameters were principally used before composite operation support to pass values for arguments not otherwise available from the primary MBO. There is now less value for client parameters, although they can still be used to pass arbitrary values not available from an MBO.
    • Nullable – accepts null as a valid value.
    Note: See Defining Input Mappings for additional information, including a shortcut for adding and mapping a client parameter using drag and drop.
Output (Create, Update, and Entity Read operations) Configure the remote operation results-to-MBO mapping by selecting the remote operation result and connecting it to the MBO attribute to which it maps. Alternatively, map the entire output to MBO by connecting the high-level result to the MBO. See Defining Output Mappings for additional guidelines. Most guidelines for multiple mappings (composite relationship) apply to a single result.
Roles Lists all logical roles granted to the operation along with all available roles. Use Add and Add All to move available roles to granted, and Remove and Remove All to remove roles from an operation. Select Create to define a new role. Entity Read operations do not support roles.
Cache Policy Determine how the results of an MBO operation are applied to the SAP Mobile Server cache. See Operation Cache Policies.
Related concepts
Entity Read Operations
Defining Output Mappings
Composite Operations
Related tasks
Creating Attributes for a Mobile Business Object
Creating Operations for a Mobile Business Object
Creating the Mobile Business Object using the Mobile Business Object Palette item
Previewing Mobile Business Objects
Modifying Load Arguments