Testing an Application Using a Emulator

Run and test the application on an emulator and verify that the application automatically registers to the SAP Mobile Server using the default application connection template.

You must have created an Android Virtual Device when you installed the Android SDK in your Android development environment. The Android Virtual Device (AVD) must use the same target as the test package.
  1. In the Eclipse Package Explorer, right-click the project and select Run As > Android Application.
    The ADT plugin for Eclipse installs your application, starts the emulator automatically, and launches the application. The application will automatically register with the SAP Mobile Server using the default application connection template.
  2. In SAP Control Center, verify that the application connection was created in Applications > Application Connections.
    When the application has successfully registered, the application connection displays a value of zero in the Pending Items column. The Pending Items column is used only for messaging applications.
  3. Test the functionality of the application. Use debug tools as necessary, setting breakpoints at appropriate places in the application.