Generated MBOs

Submit pending operations for all entities for a given MBO type or a single instance, and cancel all pending operations that have not been submitted to the server for the MBO type or a single entity.

  1. To submit pending operations for all pending entities for a given MBO type, invoke the MBO class' static submitPendingOperations method.
    Note: submitPendingOperations APIs are expensive. SAP recommends using the submitPending API with the MBO instance whenever possible.
  2. To submit pending operations for a single MBO instance, invoke the MBO object's submitPending method.
  3. To cancel all pending operations that have not been submitted to the server for the MBO type, invoke the MBO class' static cancelPendingOperations method.
  4. To cancel all pending operations for a single MBO instance, invoke the MBO object's cancelPending method.
  5. For a single MBO, you must call the refresh() method of the MBO instance before you use this instance again.
  6. For related MBOs, you must call the refresh() method of the MBO instance before you use this instance again, even if the MBO's child or parent has called submitPending.