Specifying Synchronization Parameters

Use synchronization parameters within the mobile application to download filtered MBO data.

Note: The getSynchronizationParameters method has been deprecated.

Assign the synchronization parameters of an MBO before a synchronization session. The next synchronize sends the updated synchronization parameters to the server.

  1. List all the synchronization parameters.
    SUPObjectList* r =  [SKPKCustomer getSubscriptions] ; 
  2. Add synchronization parameters. This call adds and saves the synchronization parameters:
    SKPKCustomerSubscription *sp = [SKPKCustomerSubscription getInstance];
    sp.name = @"example";
    [SKPKCustomer addSubscription:sp];
  3. Synchronize to download the data:
    [SMP101SMP101DB synchronize];
Related concepts
Synchronizing Applications
Related reference
Synchronization APIs