Sample Code: Mutual Authentication

Illustrates client configuration to support mutual authentication, as well as other APIs related to certificate handling:

Load all referenced certificates into the application Xcode project first.

//Step 1: Set up the CA certificates trusted by the client for mutual authentication. 
//You need to do this only if your server certificate is  NOT signed by the public CA
//the trusted certificate must be in  DER format; the CN (common name) of the server certificate 
//must match  the server name, set via the connection properties in the step 3.

SUPApplication* app = [SUPApplication getInstance];
SUPConnectionProperties* props = app.connectionProperties;    

//Load the trusted certificate                 

NSString *trustedCertPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:@"server_trusted" ofType:@"crt"];                
NSData *trustedData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:trustedCertPath];                
SecCertificateRef trusted_cert = SecCertificateCreateWithData(NULL, (CFDataRef) trustedData);

//Create an array of SecCertificateRef objects 

CFMutableArrayRef certs = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
CFArrayAppendValue (certs, (CFDataRef)trusted_cert); 

//Set to SUPConnectionProperties 

[props setTrustedCertificates:certs];

Step 2: //Get the client's login certificate; Client identity file must be in  pkcs12 format;
//Client identity file must be encrypted with non-empty  password;

NSString *certPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"client_identity" ofType:@"p12"];                
SUPCertificateStore *cs = [SUPCertificateStore getDefault];                
SUPLoginCertificate *lc_resource = [cs getSignedCertificateFromFile:certPath withPassword:@"password"];
props.loginCertificate = lc_resource;

//Step 3: Register the application

[props setNetworkProtocol:SUPConnectionProperties_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_HTTPS];
[props setServerName:self.server];
[props setPortNumber:self.port];
[props setUrlSuffix:@""];
[props setFarmId:self.farmID];
props.activationCode = nil;

   if (app.registrationStatus != SUPRegistrationStatus_REGISTERED)
      [app registerApplication:300];
      [app startConnection:300];
   @catch (NSException *exception) 
   NSLog(@"%@: %@",[exception name],[exception reason]);

//Step 4: Configure for data synchronization

SUPConnectionProfile *sp = [TestDB getSynchronizationProfile];
[sp setPortNumber:2482];

//specify trusted cert, and identity cert, and identity cert password;
// if the same identity cert is used with application registration, you don’t need to specify 
// “identity” and “identity_password” here, otherwise, you need to specify them.
// specify server trusted CA cert; this could be different from the certificate used in step1 
// depending on server configuration.
// In any case, server trusted CA needs to be specified for data synchronization in networkstreamparams.

[sp setNetworkStreamParams:@"trusted_certificates=server_trustedCA.crt;

//Data synchronize
[TestDB synchronize];