
The SUPConnectionProfile class manages local database information. Set its properties, including the encryption key, during application initialization, and before creating or accessing the local client database.

By default, the database class name is generated as "packageName"+"DB".

SUPConnectionProfile* cp = [SMP101SMP101DB getConnectionProfile];
[cp setPageSize:4*1024];
[cp setEncryptionKey:@"Your key of more than 16 characters"];
// Immediately after the call to setEncryptionKey, call [SMP101SMP101DB closeConnection]; to ensure that old connections with the wrong key are no longer being used.
[SMP101SMP101DB closeConnection];
Note: If you set the page size to a negative value, the framework uses a default value of 4K as the page size.

You can also generate an encryption key by calling the generated database's generateEncryptionKey method, and then store the key inside a DataVault object. The generateEncryptionKey method automatically sets the encryption key in the connection profile.

You can use the cacheSize API to control the size of the memory cache used by the database. The default size is 10MB.

SUPConnectionProfile *cp = [SMP101SMP101DB getConnectionProfile];
[cp setCacheSize:5000000];  // set to 5000000 bytes (~ 5 MB)
[SMP101SMP101DB closeConnection];  // close and open the connection to use the new cache size
[SMP101SMP101DB openConnection];
Related tasks
Setting Up the Connection Profile