Uploading Business Transactions for Tracing

Access the Business Transaction XML upload service to upload business transactions for tracing.

Select one of the two URL modes, anonymous or authenticated upload.

For anonymous upload, perform a POST request at the following URL:


The {appid} is the application identifier.

Including /public in the URL uploads the BTX anonymously.

Note: The administrator must enable anonymous access for the application.

For authenticated upload, perform a POST request at the following URL:


The client must provide user credentials at the transport level (HTTP authentication). 

Note: The above URL applies where the server name and domain name match. If they do not match, use the X-SUP-DOMAIN header to specify the domain name.

Include two main elements in the request:

For general authentication, and resource naming and resolution, apply the rules described in Application Requirements > Authentication in Developer Guide: REST API Applications.

Upon receiving the client request, the Unwired Server parses the multipart form request to gather the BTX content sent by the client and send this content to the SAP® Solution Manager in another multipart request.

For more information on supportability and the use of SAP Solution Manager with Sybase Unwired Platform, see System Administration.