Creating a Provisioning File for Afaria

Provision applications through Afaria with a simple text configuration file that can be parsed by the client and from which data is then imported.

  1. Create a text file.
    The naming follows a strict naming convention. Use a prefix of Sybase_Messaging_ followed by the Application ID. The file uses .cfg extension. Any non-alphanumeric characters in the Application ID are replaced with underscores to avoid any conflicts with operating systems. For example, if the Application ID is “myApplication:1.0”, the file name is: Sybase_Messaging_myApplication_1_0.cfg.
    Note: For Hybrid Apps, settings are applied to the Hybrid Web Container, not to each app.
  2. Enter the desired settings information in the .cfg file. See Provisioning Properties Reference.
  3. Save the .cfg file.