moving from a preproduction environment to a production environment, there are several best
practices to keep in mind.
Sybase recommends that you:
- Connections – Remember to update domain-specific connections for packages assigned to
that domain. Preproduction servers vary from production servers used in
a live environment. The connection profile used by an MBO must use
correct values to production servers. See
Editing Connection Profile Properties in Sybase Unwired WorkSpace - Mobile Business Object Development. If you are pooling
connections, you will need to use an appropriate production domain
connection template for these packages. See Creating Connections
and Connection Templates in Sybase Control Center
for Sybase Unwired Platform
- Domains – Ensure production-ready applications register connections to the same
domain as the production-ready package. If there is a mismatch between a
registered connection and a deployed package, the application cannot
find corresponding packages. Validate that application connections and
packages match. If they do not, either reregister the application
connection using the correct domain assignment, or redeploy the package
to the correct domain.