There are
several different test methodologies you can use, each having their own goals, procedures,
and tools. Be prepared to perform functional, load, and performance testing on the
applications you create before distributing Sybase Unwired Platform applications
to end users.
- Functional Testing – The goal of functional testing is to ensure the application or program works
according to the user requirements, and typically include unit testing,
integration testing, and end-user testing. Recommended tools:
- Testing and debugging tools or the IDE, frequently on a simulator
during the development phase.
- SAP Solution Manager to manage test cases.
- Load Testing – The goal of load testing is to see if the application or system will fail
under load. It is similar to performance testing in that you want to see how
the system performs, and it is similar to functional testing in that you are
looking to see if there are bugs or poor implementation aspects that cause
the system to fail at certain loads. Recommended tools:
- Recording tools for generating test scripts.
- Parsing tool to parameterize test script.
- Test framework that simulates load and collects results.
- Performance Testing – The goal of performance testing is to measure the system throughput while
under load. Performance testing has the same requirements as load testing,
only the focus is on measurement and analysis. The performance criteria that
are measured during performance testing are called metrics. Recommended tools:
- Agents to measure performance metrics.
- Framework to manage results.
- Analysis tools to interpret results and identify bottlenecks and
points of failure.
For more information on how to perform these tests using
Sybase and third-party tools, see
How To ... Test
the Sybase® Unwired Platform: Available Test Tools on
Sybase Community Network at