Use the Deploy wizard to make
packages available on the Unwired Server.
- In the left navigation pane, click .
- From the General tab,
click Deploy.
- Click Browse to locate
- Select the file to upload and click Open.
- Select the deployment mode:
- Update – installs a new Unwired Server
package with the original package name and assigns a new, higher version
number than the existing installed Unwired Server
package. Sybase recommends that you use this
deployment mode for major new changes to the
Unwired Server package.
the update operation, Unwired Server
- Acquires a list of assigned application connections from the
original package.
- Installs and assigns the package new version number.
- Prompts the administrator to specify application connection
assignments from the acquired list of assigned application
- Preserves existing notifications.
- Preserves the previous Unwired Server
package version.
- Verify – do not deploy package. Only return errors, if any. Used to
determine the results of the UPDATE deploy
- If you did not choose a deployment archive as your deployment file, you may
browse and select an optional deployment descriptor file.
- Click Next to select the deployment domain security
- Click Next to configure the mapping state of logical
roles of the packge. See Setting the Mapping State in Sybase Control Center
for Sybase Unwired Platform.
- Review the deployment summary and click Finish.
The package is added to the list of deployed packages, which are sorted by Display