Returns a row for every node in the multiplex. Can be run from any multiplex node.
Multiplex only.
You must have EXECUTE privilege on the system procedure, as well as the MANAGE MULTIPLEX system privilege.
The sp_iqmpxinfo procedure returns:
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
server_id | unsigned int | Identifier for the server for which information appears |
server_name | char(128) | Name of the server |
connection_info | long varchar | A formatted string containing the host/port portion of the connection string used for TCP/IP connections between multiplex servers. |
db_path | long varchar | Full database path |
role | char(16) | 'coordinator' | 'writer' | 'reader' |
status | char(8) | 'included' | 'excluded' |
mpx_mode | char(16) | 'single' | 'coordinator' | 'writer' | 'reader' | 'unknown' |
inc_state | char(16) | 'active' | 'not responding' | 'timed out' |
coordinator_failover | char(128) | Name of the failover server |
current_version | unsigned bigint | Decimal-formatted version ID |
active_versions | long_varchar | Comma-separated list of decimal formatted version IDs. |
private_connection_info | long varchar | A formatted string containing the host/port portion of the connection string used for private TCP/IP connections between multiplex servers |
mipc_priv_state | char(16) | 'active' – MIPC connection to this node is active over the private interconnect | 'not responding' – MIPC connection to this node is not responding over private interconnect. |
mipc_public_state | char(16) | 'active' – MIPC connection to this node is active over the public interconnect. | 'not responding' – MIPC connection to this node is not responding over public interconnect. |
Sample output of sp_iqmpxinfo:
server_id,server_name,connection_info,db_path,role, status,mpx_mode,inc_state,coordinator_failover, current_version,active_versions,private_connection_ info,mipc_priv_state,mipc_public_state 1,'my_mpx1','host=(fe80::214:4fff:fe45:be26%2):1362 0,(fd77:55d:59d9:329:214:4fff:fe45:be2 6%2):13620,','/system3/users /devices/s16900269/iqmpx1/mpx1.db', 'coordinator','included','coordinator','N/A', 'my_mpx2',0,,,'active','active' 2,'IQ_mpx2','host=system3:13625', '/system3/users/devices/s16900269 /iqmpx_2/wk0001.db','writer','included', 'writer','active','IQ_mpx20', 'not responding','active' 3,'IQ_mpx3,'host=system3:13630/system3/users/devi ces/s16900269/iqmpx_3/mpx1.db','reader','included', 'unknown',timed out', 'IQ_mpx20','not responding', 'not responding'