If run on the coordinator node, displays INC connection pool status for every node. If executed on a secondary node, displays INC connection pool status for only the current node.
Multiplex only.
You must have EXECUTE privilege on the system procedure, as well as the MANAGE MULTIPLEX system privilege.
If the procedure is run on the coordinator and a secondary node is not responding or has timed out, the result set omits the row for that node, because this data cannot be accessed unless that node is running.
The sp_iqmpxincconnpoolinfo procedure returns:
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
server_id | unsigned int | Identifier for the server |
server_name | char(128) | Name of the server |
current_pool_size | unsigned int | Current size of connection pool |
idle_connection_count | unsigned int | Number of idle connections in the pool |
connections_in_use | unsigned int | Number of connections in use |