Logical Server Policy Option Changes

Changes affected logical server policy options in SAP Sybase IQ 16.0.

Option Description

New option. When set to 0, query processing is not distributed. When set to 1 (the default), query processing is distributed as long as a writable shared temporary file exists. When set to 2, query processing is distributed over the network, and the shared temporary store is not used.

LOGIN_REDIRECTION New option. When ON, enables login redirection for logical servers governed by specified login policy. When OFF (the default), disables login redirection.
REDIRECTION_WAITERS_THRESHOLD New option. Specifies the number of connections that can queue before SAP Sybase IQ redirects a connection to this logical server. Can be any integer value (defaults to 5).
TEMP_DATA_IN_SHARED_TEMP When ON, all temporary table data and eligible scratch data writes to the shared temporary store, provided that the shared temporary store has at least one read-write file added. You must restart all multiplex nodes after setting this option or after adding a read-write file to the shared temporary store. (If the shared temporary store contains no read-write file, or if you do not restart nodes, data instead writes to IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP.) When OFF (the default), all temporary table data and scratch data writes to the local temporary store.

See Reference: Statements and Options > SQL Statements > ALTER LS POLICY Statement.

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