db_backup Function

Although this function provides one way to add backup features to an application, the recommended way to do this task is to use the BACKUP DATABASE statement.


void db_backup(
SQLCA * sqlca,
int op,
int file_num,
unsigned long page_num,
struct sqlda * sqlda);



Must be connected as a user with BACKUP DATABASE system privilege, or have the SYS_RUN_REPLICATION_ROLE system role.


Although this function provides one way to add backup features to an application, the recommended way to do this task is to use the BACKUP DATABASE statement.

The action performed depends on the value of the op parameter:

The dbbackup utility uses the following algorithm. This is not C code, and does not include error checking.

sqlda->sqld = 1;
sqlda->sqlvar[0].sqltype = DT_LONGBINARY

/* Allocate LONGBINARY value for page buffer. It MUST have */
/* enough room to hold the requested number (128) of database pages */
sqlda->sqlvar[0].sqldata = allocated buffer

/* Open the server files needing backup */
for file_num = 0 to DB_BACKUP_MAX_FILE
  db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_OPEN_FILE, file_num ... )
    /* The file exists */
    num_pages = SQLCOUNT
    file_time = SQLE_IO_ESTIMATE
    open backup file with name from sqlca.sqlerrmc
end for

/* read pages from the server, write them locally */
while TRUE
  /* file_no and page_no are ignored */
  db_backup( &sqlca, DB_BACKUP_PARALLEL_READ, 0, 0, &sqlda );


  if buffer->stored_len == 0 || sqlda->sqlvar[0].sqlind > 0

  /* SQLCOUNT contains the starting page number of the block    */
  /* SQLIOESTIMATE contains the file number the pages belong to */
  write block of pages to appropriate backup file
end while

/* close the server backup files */
for file_num = 0 to DB_BACKUP_MAX_FILE
    /* close backup file */
    db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_CLOSE_FILE, file_num ... )
end for

/* shut down the backup */
db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_END ... )

/* cleanup */
free page buffer