Known Issues for Event Stream Processor Adapters

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for adapters supported by Event Stream Processor.

Adapter Issues
CR# Description

The Platform Input and Platform Output adapters are not supported by Event Stream Processor. The platform_in.cnxml and platform_out.cnxml files are included in the install, but are for internal use only.


To use schema discovery for the Reuters Marketfeed and OMM Input adapters:

  1. Copy the Reuters Marketfeed and OMM installation directory to your main Event Stream Processor installation under $ESP_HOME/adapters.
  2. Make the following changes to Configure Adapter Properties in Event Stream Processor Studio for schema discovery:

    For Market Feed, change the value of the Property Reuters MF Data Dictionary to $ESP_HOME/adapters/reuters/config/appendix_a.

    For OMM, change the value of the Property Reuters OMM Data Dictionary to $ESP_HOME/adapters/reuters_omm/config/RDMFieldDictionary.

  3. After schema discovery in Studio, delete the adapter plug-in before saving or compiling the project. (This is because the ATTACH ADAPTER statement for Reuters adapters is not supported.)
684922 and 684945

When running the Reuters OMM adapter in interactive publish mode, you may experience intermittent stability issues when connected directly to rmdstestclient (a Reuters utility bundled with their server).

695586 When using the Database Input adapter and the getData() built-in SPLASH function in the flex stream, there is a compatibility issue between JDK7 and the JDBC driver for MSSQL (3.0.1301.101 and 4.0 CTP3). The problem occurs when mapping a datetime2 datatype into Event Stream Processor timestamp or string datatypes as the adapter executes queries such as a SELECT statement. The value that is read in is incorrect. To work around this issue, use the SQL convert() built-in function to cast a datetime2 column into a varchar. For example, modify a SELECT statement like this:
select c_bigdatetime from newalltypes
into this:
select convert(varchar(30), c_bigdatetime, 121) from newalltypes
where the third argument value of 121 is the format to which the datetime2 field will be converted.
You must make a few changes so that Java external adapters from Event Stream Processor 5.0 are compatible with ones from 5.1.
  • For all Java external adapters, due to changes in authentication types between versions, you can use only LDAP, RSA, or Kerberos (not ticket) authentication types if you want compatibility between 5.0 and 5.1 adapters.
  • To make the 5.0 external FIX Input adapter compatible with the 5.1 version, add the maxPubPoolSize parameter to the 5.0 file connectors configuration files. This property was optional in 5.0 but is required in 5.1.
  • If you want to start the 5.0 external FIX Input adapter with the 5.1 configuration file, remove the inputBuffer property from the 5.1 configuration file as this property is not valid in 5.0.
715027 A custom internal adapter that was written using the 5.1 version of the GenericAdapterInterface.h file is not compatible with an adapter that was written using the 5.0 version. To make these adapters compatible in 5.0, change the following function signatures for these files to the 5.1 version:
  • change int getTotalRowsProcessed(void*) to int64_t getTotalRowsProcessed(void*)
  • change int getNumberOfBadRows(void*) to int64_t getNumberOfBadRows(void*)
  • change int getNumberOfGoodRows(void*) to int64_t getNumberOfGoodRows(void*)
715811 When the peer program publishing to the adapter does not close its socket connection cleanly the adapter's state becomes DEAD and it no longer accepts connections.

To avoid this issue, ensure that the publisher issues a "close" on the socket connection before exiting.

716339 The CSV Input adapter does not process the last line of the CSV input file. To ensure that all data in the file is processed, add an empty line at the end of the file.
716733 When using the ASE and IQ Output adapters, if the window to which the adapter is connected has multiple columns in its primary key, the adapter may not process deletes correctly. To work around this issue, attach the adapter to a window that has only one column in its primary key.
716843 If you stop the Database Input adapter while it is reading data and then start it again, the adapter does not start and therefore, does not complete reading data.

To work around this issue, restart the ESP Server, and if you did not configure the adapters to start automatically, then manually start the Database Input adapter.

716844 If you drop the table that the Database Input adapter is polling data against, the adapter crashes.

To work around this issue, restart the ESP Server, and if you did not configure the adapters to start automatically, then manually start the Database Input adapter.

717862 To use an adapter with ESP, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location where you have installed Java 1.7 in the file.