Documentation Changes

Read about updates, corrections, and clarifications to the documentation released with Sybase Event Stream Processor.

Documentation Changes for the Installation Guide
CR# Description

In the section on obtaining a license, the Installation Guide now includes information on how to obtain a license from the SAP Service Marketplace (SMP).

Documentation Changes for the Adapters Guide
CR# Description

The section on the RAP adapter shows you how to stop the RAP adapter when it is running in the background. The Adapters Guide incorrectly states that you can stop it by entering kill -11 processID in the command line.

The correct command is:

kill -15 processID

N/A The section on the JMS adapter shows you how to configure a queuing system for the JMS adapter. It should also mention that, to run the adapter, you must obtain and place vendor specific JMS jar files in the $ESP_HOME/java folder and restart the Server.
Documentation Changes for the Studio Users Guide
CR# Description
680686 The guide should state:

When you create a duplicate named window or stream in the Visual Editor, then save your file and switch to the Text Editor, a third duplicate of the original stream or window is created. You can see this third duplicate only when you switch back to the Visual Editor.

Remove this third duplicate:
  1. In the Visual Editor, click Remove all shapes from diagram error.gif to clear out all the shapes.
  2. Click Add all shapesInsert Breakpoint to get the original stream or window and the second duplicate stream or window back.
  3. Give the duplicate stream window a unique name.
681269 The guide should state:

Studio returns an error when a project refers to a schema from an imported file but the project compiles without errors.

Refresh the file by closing the project. Alternatively, create the files in the opposite order.

To redeploy a project after making changes to a running project:
  1. From the Authoring perspective, compile a project and start it.
  2. In the Run-Test perspective, do some work with the project.
  3. Stop the project.
  4. In the Authoring perspective, make changes to the project and the start it.

    An error displays and the Run-Test console states that a failure occurred because the application already exists. This is because the project still exists on the server in a stopped state.

  5. To redeploy, remove the project from the Run-Test server view, and then start the new version from the Authoring perspective.

The Studio Users Guide incorrectly indicates that the correct format for entering a tooltip comment is:


The correct format is:

Documentation Changes for the CCL Programmers Guide
CR# Description

Delta streams are allowed key transformation only when performing aggregation, join, or flex operations. Because a delta stream does not maintain state, you cannot define a delta stream on a window where the keys differ.


This guide documents the argName argument of the CREATE LIBRARY statement as required:

returnType funcName (argType argName,...);

This is an optional argument, and should be documented as [argName]:

returnType funcName (argType [argName],...);

Documentation Changes for the Administrators Guide
CR# Description

There are undocumented restrictions on user name and password credentials for the interactive mode of the esp_cluster_admin tool. Credentials may contain alpha numeric characters but must always start with an alphabetic character. For example, password 12345678 is invalid, whereas P12345678 is valid.


References to the "port number used by your Event Stream Processor installation" are referring to the port number of your cluster cache.

Documentation Changes for the Utilities Guide
CR# Description

There are undocumented restrictions on user name and password credentials for the interactive mode of the esp_cluster_admin tool. Credentials may contain alpha numeric characters but must always start with an alphabetic character. The document also provides an invalid sample password of 1234.

Documentation Changes for Command-Line Messages
CR# Description

The command-line help for esp_convert, esp_upload, and esp_subscribe mention options -1 and -2, which are no longer supported and should not be used. These options have been removed from the documentation.