Documentation Changes

Read about updates, corrections, and clarifications to the documentation released with Sybase Event Stream Processor.

Documentation Changes for the Adapters Guide
CR# Description
N/A The section on the JMS adapter shows you how to configure a queuing system for the JMS adapter. It should also mention that, to run the adapter, you must obtain and place vendor specific JMS jar files in the $ESP_HOME/java folder and restart the Server.
Documentation Changes for the Studio Users Guide
CR# Description
680686 The guide should state:

When you create a duplicate named window or stream in the Visual Editor, then save your file and switch to the Text Editor, a third duplicate of the original stream or window is created. You can see this third duplicate only when you switch back to the Visual Editor.

Remove this third duplicate:
  1. In the Visual Editor, click Remove all shapes from diagram error.gif to clear out all the shapes.
  2. Click Add all shapesInsert Breakpoint to get the original stream or window and the second duplicate stream or window back.
  3. Give the duplicate stream window a unique name.
To redeploy a project after making changes to a running project:
  1. From the Authoring perspective, compile a project and start it.
  2. In the Run-Test perspective, do some work with the project.
  3. Stop the project.
  4. In the Authoring perspective, make changes to the project and the start it.

    An error displays and the Run-Test console states that a failure occurred because the application already exists. This is because the project still exists on the server in a stopped state.

  5. To redeploy, remove the project from the Run-Test server view, and then start the new version from the Authoring perspective.
Documentation Changes for the CCL Programmers Guide
CR# Description

Delta streams are allowed key transformation only when performing aggregation, join, or flex operations. Because a delta stream does not maintain state, you cannot define a delta stream on a window where the keys differ.

Documentation Changes for the Administrators Guide
CR# Description

There are undocumented restrictions on user name and password credentials for the interactive mode of the esp_cluster_admin tool. Credentials may contain alpha numeric characters but must always start with an alphabetic character. For example, password 12345678 is invalid, whereas P12345678 is valid.


References to the "port number used by your Event Stream Processor installation" are referring to the port number of your cluster cache.


The guide should contain a "Networking" section to discuss the following problems with ESP and proxy servers:

  • It takes a long time for Studio to complete connections; the <connecting...> message displays for a long time.
  • Studio is unable to compile the simplest projects and reports a generic compilation error with no obvious reason for failure.
  • Projects cannot be started; Studio reports the following errors:
    • The cluster had encountered a project error:
    • Cluster error message: Invalid action: See the Problems View for a description of the compilation errors.
    • [error] server returned: [FAILURE:Application wait for status is started, but application current status is not started]
  • Connecting to a cluster fails with the following error: Failed to connect to server "esp://hostname:19011". Reason: "Failed to parse server's response: Content is not allowed in prolog."
  • Running a publisher or subscriber return the errors: Couldn't connect to server, XML-RPC Fault(-504).
  • The C++ or .NET SDK returns one of the errors below (the error returned depends on platform and whether the IP address or host name is used in the URL):
    • HTTP response code is 302, not 200
    • HTTP response code is 403, not 200
    • HTTP response code is 404, not 200
The following resolutions should then be offered to users:
  • The no_proxy environment variable should be set to allow the localhost (, the name of the host running the ESP server, and the IP address. For example: setenv no_proxy "localhost,, archer, When setting the environment variable on Windows, do not use quotes: set no_proxy=localhost,, archer,
    Note: Depending on where the client application is running and whether it is using the host name or the IP address during communication, it is possible to restrict no_proxy to a smaller set of values.
  • In Studio, navigate to Edit>Preferences>General>Network Connections and set Active Provider to direct.
Documentation Changes for the .NET SDK Guide
CR# Description

The guide should state:

In general terms, the return code from a Publish call indicates whether or not the row was successfully transmitted. Any error that occurs during processing on the Event Stream Processor (such as a duplicate insert) will not get returned. The precise meaning of the return code from a Publish call depends on the access mode and the choice of synchronous or asynchronous transmission.

When using callback or select access mode, the return only indicates whether or not the SDK was able to queue the data. The indication of whether or not the data was actually written to the socket will be returned by the appropriate event. The callback and select access modes do not currently support synchronous publishing.

When using direct access mode, the type of transmission used determines what the return from the Publish call indicates. If publishing in asynchronous mode, the return only indicates that the SDK has written the data to the socket. If publishing in synchronous mode, the return from the Publish call indicates the response code the Event Stream Processor sent.

In no case will errors that occur during processing (such as a duplicate insert) be returned by a Publish call.

Documentation Changes for the Utilities Guide
CR# Description

There are undocumented restrictions on user name and password credentials for the interactive mode of the esp_cluster_admin tool. Credentials may contain alpha numeric characters but must always start with an alphabetic character. The document also provides an invalid sample password of 1234.

Documentation Changes for the SDK Guides
CR# Description

The following information should be added to the Java and C SDK Guides:

Starting and Stopping the C SDK

Before any of the SDK's functionality can be used, it needs to be initialized. This allows the SDK to start its internal threads and register required resources. Make this call from any thread before any of the other SDK functionality is used. For example:
	int rc;
	EspError * error = esp_error_create(); // create an error object
	 rc = esp_sdk_start(error);               // start the SDK
	if (rc) {
		                                      // do error processing
Once the application using the SDK is ready to exit or the SDK functionality is no longer needed, stop the application. This allows the SDK to stop its internal threads and release any held resources. For example,
	rc = esp_sdk_stop(error);  // stop the SDK
	if (rc) {
		                       // do error processing
Note: Multiple SDK start calls can be made, but the SDK requires a corresponding number of stop calls to properly shut down.

Starting and Stopping the Java SDK

Before any of the SDK's functionality can be used, it needs to be initialized. This allows the SDK to start its internal threads and register required resources. Make this call from any thread before any of the other SDK functionality is used. For example:
	static final SDK sdk = SDK.getInstance();// retrieve the SDK singleton
	sdk.start();                                // start the SDK
Once the application using the SDK is ready to exit or the SDK functionality is no longer needed, stop the application. This allows the SDK to stop its internal threads and release any held resources. For example,
	sdk.stop(); = esp_sdk_stop(error);  // stop the SDK
Note: Multiple SDK start calls can be made, but the SDK requires a corresponding number of stop calls to properly shut down.