Enabling Mixed Connectivity Using Messaging Channel and HTTP Channel (REST SDK)

Use SDMConstants interface in SDMPreferences class to set the request-response between messaging channel or REST SDK.

To enable request-response using REST SDK, set the constant ISDMPreferences.SDM_CONNECTIVITY_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME to SDMConstants.SDM_HTTP_HANDLER_CLASS in the SDMPreferences class which is used to initialize the SDMRequestManager class.

sdmpreferenceObject.setStringPreference(ISDMPreferences.SDM_CONNECTIVITY_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME, SDMConstants.SDM_HTTP_HANDLER_CLASS);
reqMan = new SDMRequestManager(sdmloggerObject, sdmpreferenceObject, sdmparameterObject, 1);

To enable request-response using messaging channel, either do not set ISDMPreferences.SDM_CONNECTIVITY_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME. If the constant is not set, default preference will be used in messaging channel. Otherwise, the constant can be set to SDMConstants.SDM_IMO_HANDLER_CLASS.