After you import mobile applications and associated libraries into the iOS development environment, use the iOS API references to create or customize your device applications.
Manually Registering an Application
Manually register an application synchronously or ansynchronously by using the user name and activation code of the application registered through the Sybase Control Center.
Enabling Online Push
To consume push messages, the application developer implements a delegate method from the SDMSUPPushDelegate.h header file.
Storing the Application Credentials Securely
Post user registeration, if you want the user credentials to be managed by SDK, you can provide a data vault password to securely store the data.
Getting Push End-point
Retrieve the push end-point that corresponds to the delivery address that the application uses in the subscription request for notifications.
Deleting Users
Deletes a registered user. If the user credentials are managed by SDK, this API deletes the user credentials from the vault and deletes the user from the server.
Clearing the Server Verification Key
For a device to switch connection between SUP servers, this API is invoked before registering a new user. This ensures that the server public keys are removed from the SUP client SDK which enables connectivity to the new SUP Server.
Data Vault API References
The data vault is a secure storage area provided by the SUP 2.1 SDK client libraries to store sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, authentication certificates within the application. Access to the data vault is protected by two levels of passwords and unique salts.