Manipulate Sybase Control Center interface elements to set up the console according to your requirements and preference.
User Interface Overview
This illustration labels important elements of the Sybase Control Center user interface so you can identify them when they appear in other help topics.
A perspective is a named container for a set of one or more managed resources. You can customize perspectives to provide the information you need about your environment.
Use views to manage one or more resources within a perspective.
The Sybase Control Center embedded repository stores information related to managed resources, as well as user preference data, operational data, and statistics.
Sybase Control Center Console
The console is a command-line interface for displaying details about the status of the Sybase Control Center server and its subsystems.
Sybase Control Center Security
User access to Sybase Control Center is controlled by configuring a security provider. Security providers are configured with the Unwired Platform management console.