Perform security administration tasks to establish rules for the protection of enterprise and administrative data and transactions.
Unwired Server coordinates data between enterprise information server (EIS) data sources and device clients, meaning that transferred information is often proprietary, confidential, or private. Therefore, the data and communication streams that carry information from Unwired Server to other components in the Unwired Platform must be protected.
Unwired Platform has several security layers that protect data and transactions. Administrators manage system and application authentication and authorization security configurations at the cluster level, and perform role mapping at the domain and package levels. By default, the 'admin' security configuration is used to authenticate and authorize all administrative users, including domain administrators. All domain administrator logins must be valid in the security repository configured for the 'admin' security configuration.
Platform administrators register domain administrators at the cluster level, and then assign them to a domain from the domain-level Security Configurations tab. Security configurations are assigned when domains are created, or subsequently, from the Domains node. Packages must also be mapped to a security configuration at deployment; role mapping can be configured at a later time.
Roles are used for MBOs and operations during development to indicate authorization requirements. These roles are enforced by Unwired Server. At deployment or after deployment, these logical roles can be mapped to physical roles to restrict which users have access to MBOs and operations. Roles assigned at the MBO level are separate from operation-level roles. However, package-level role mapping overrides domain-level role mapping. If the same package is deployed to multiple domains and associated with the same security configuration, then the domain-level role mapping is shared.