LDAP Provider Stacking and Configuration Sharing

LDAP login and attribution modules can sometimes share a common configuration. LDAPAttributer can share the configuration properties from the configured LDAP login modules only if no configuration properties are explicitly configured for LDAPAttributer.

When stacking these modules, be aware that authorizers do not inherit configuration properties from the login modules you configure. Configurations must be explicit. In the case where both LDAPLoginModule and LDAPAuthorizer are separately configured in a : Only one attributer instance needs to be configured even when multiple login module instances are present in the security configuration. The LDAPAttributer attributes an authenticated subject using the LDAP configuration that was used to authenticate the subject. However, the list of available roles is computed by the LDAPAttributer by iterating through all available LDAP configurations.
When using LDAPAttributer stacking and configuration, keep in mind: