Unwired Platform supports single sign-on (SSO) authentication for mobile clients that access data from an SAP enterprise information system (EIS) using either X.509 certificates or SSO logon tickets (SSO2).
Single sign-on credential support for SAP includes:
- X.509 certificates – use the CertificateAuthenticationLoginModule provider
to implement X.509 authentication. At runtime, the mobile client selects the certificate signed by a trusted CA, which is authenticated by the SAP EIS.
- SAP single sign-on (SSO2) tokens – use the HttpAuthenticationLoginModule provider for both basic HTTP authentication and to implement SSO2. At runtime, the client enters a user name/password combination that maps to a user name/password in the SAP EIS. For SSO2, a token is obtained from the configured SAP server using
the client-supplied user name/password and is forwarded to other SAP servers configured in the endpoints to authenticate
the client, instead of using client-supplied user name/password credentials.