Use a self-signed certificate generated from the Java SDK keytool utility, andimports it into the Unwired Platform for DCN encryption testing.
To use the
keytool utility, set the
JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK directory used by Unwired Platform, in addition to defining
%JAVA_HOME%\bin as a the path variable. to the path variable, because keytool utility needs this setting.
- Change directory to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Repository\Security, and run this command:
keytool -genkey -alias dcn -keypass changeit -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -validity 3650 -keystore dcn.jks
-storepass chageit
Follow the prompts to generate a public-private keypair for the Acme organization.
Prompt |
Value Entered |
Name |
Admin's name |
Organization |
Your company name |
Organizational Unit |
Development |
City |
Your city |
State/Province |
Your location |
Country Code |
Your country |
- Use keytool to import the keystore to the destination keystore by using this command:
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore keystore.jks -deststorepass changeit -srckeystore dcn.jks
-srckeypass changeit -alias DCN
- Use keytool to export just the public key to the local disk.
keytool -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit -alias DCN -export -file C:\temp\dcn.crt