Configuring Apache as a Load Balancer for EIS Back End

When used as a load balancer for the EIS back end, some of the configuration file settings are different.

  1. If the load balancer connects to SAP Data Orchestration Engine – DOE to load balancer to Unwired Platform cluster to device – use the settings below in place of the corresponding settings in Configuring Apache 2.2 as a Load Balancer.
    Add the lines below to the Apache Web Server configuration file (httpd.conf). Replace terms in italics with actual values in your environment:
    • DOE_cluster – DOE cluster ID
    • US#_IP – IP address for Unwired Server #
    • US#_node – node name for Unwired Server #
    • US#_port – port number for Unwired Server #
        ProxyPass / balancer://DOE_cluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID
        ProxyPassReverse / http://US1_srvr:US1_port/doe/publish
        ProxyPassReverse / http://US2_srvr:US2_port/doe/publish
        <Proxy balancer://DOE_cluster>
          BalancerMember http://US1_srvr:US1_port/doe/publish route=US1_node
          BalancerMember http://US2_srvr:US2_port/doe/publish route=US2_node

    Extend the example above to any number of Unwired Servers by adding them to the ProxyPassReverse and BalancerMember lists.

  2. If the load balancer connects to SAP MobileGateway – MobileGateway to load balancer to Unwired Platform cluster to device – use the settings below in place of the corresponding settings in Configuring Apache 2.2 as a Load Balancer.
    Add the lines below to the Apache Web Server configuration file (httpd.conf). Replace terms in italics with actual values in your environment:
    • DOE_cluster – DOE cluster ID
    • US#_IP – IP address for Unwired Server #
    • US#_node – node name for Unwired Server #
    • US#_port – port number for Unwired Server #
    Note: The only difference in the settings below, relative to the settings above, is the omission of "/doe/publish" in the references to Unwired Server instances.
        ProxyPass / balancer://DOE_cluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID
        ProxyPassReverse / http://US1_srvr:US1_port
        ProxyPassReverse / http://US2_srvr:US2_port
        <Proxy balancer://DOE_cluster>
          BalancerMember http://US1_srvr:US1_port route=US1_node
          BalancerMember http://US2_srvr:US2_port route=US2_node

    Extend the example above to any number of Unwired Servers by adding them to the ProxyPassReverse and BalancerMember lists.