Sample Debugging: Adding Breakpoints

Use the esp_client command-line utility to add or delete breakpoints from a stream or window. Pause the Event Stream Processor before adding a breakpoint.

  1. Add a breakpoint on a stream, before it starts processing an input record from any stream using:
    bp add `stream` any
  2. Delete the breakpoint with specified ID using:
    bp del `id`

    The ID of a breakpoint is given by using either the bp add or bp list commands.

  3. Delete all breakpoints using:
    bp del all
  4. Enable or disable a breakpoint with specified ID using:
    bp on|off `id`
  5. Enable or disable all breakpoints using:
    bp on|off all
  6. Make the breakpoint with specified ID trigger on every nth occasion.
    bp every `count` `id`
  7. Make all the breakpoints trigger on every nth occasion using:
    bp every `count` all
  8. List all created breakpoints using:
    bp list