Deploying an Instance from a Shared Disk Installation

(Optional) Create a Sybase Control Center server or agent from an installation on a shared disk.

  1. Log in to the host on which you plan to run the SCC server or agent.
    Note: You can create an instance on one host and run it on another host, but doing so interferes with the predeployment checks run by sccinstance. Such a deployment might generate errors (port conflicts, for example). If you are confident that the errors are caused by problems that will not be present on the host where you plan to run the instance, use the -force option to create the instance.
  2. Change to SCC-3_2/bin.
  3. Create the instance as an SCC agent if you plan to run a managed server on this host. Create the instance as an SCC server if you plan to manage other Sybase servers from this host.
    To create an SCC agent called Boston-agent and configure it to run as a Windows service:
    sccinstance -create -agent -instance Boston-agent -service
    To create an SCC server called Boston and configure it to run as a Windows service:
    sccinstance -create -server -instance Boston -service
  4. If other SCC instances will run on this host, change the port assignments for the new instance. Change the instance names and port values in the sample commands to suit your environment, but take care to specify ports that are not in use by another SCC instance or any other application or server.
    This command changes the port assignments for an SCC agent called myagent:
    sccinstance -refresh -instance myagent -portconfig rmi=8888,jiniHttp=9093,jiniRmi=9096,tds=9997
    This command changes the port assignments for an SCC server called myserver:
    sccinstance -refresh -server -instance myserver -portconfig rmi=8889,db=3640,
  5. (Optional) List the instances deployed from this installation:
    sccinstance -list
  6. (Optional) If you are setting up an instance in UNIX, configure it to run as a service. (See Starting and Stopping Sybase Control Center in UNIX).

When you manage and maintain instances, keep in mind that the directory structure for instances is different from that of singleton installations. In file paths in SCC help, replace SCC-3_2 or <scc-install-directory> with SCC-3_2/instances/<instance-name>.

For example, the path to the log directory, SCC-3_2/log, becomes this for an instance called kalamazoo:


Related concepts
Related tasks
Starting and Stopping Sybase Control Center in Windows
Starting and Stopping Sybase Control Center in UNIX