Access rule examples

The following examples show how access rules return specific rows containing information limited by access rules.

Example 1 Returns information from two rows:

/* return rows when empno = 1 and deptno = 2
and ( name = "smith" or phone = "9999" )

select * from testtab1
 empno       deptno      name       phone
------------ ----------- ---------- -----
             1           2 smith      8282
             1           2 jones      9999

(2 rows affected)

/* unbind access rule from specific column */
sp_unbindrule "testtab1.empno",NULL,"accessrule"
/*Rule unbound from table column.*/

(return status = 0)

Example 2 Returns information from four rows:

/* return rows when deptno = 2 and ( name = "smith"
or phone = "9999" )*/select * from testtab1 empno      deptno      name       phone
----------- ----------- ---------- -----
1           2           smith      8282 
2           2           smith      9999
3           2           smith      8888
1           2           jones      9999

(4 rows affected)

/* unbind all deptno rules from specific column */
sp_unbindrule "testtab1.deptno",NULL,"all"
/*Rule unbound from table column.*/

(return status = 0)

Example 3 Returns information from six rows:

/* return the rows when name = "smith" or phone = "9999" */

select * from testtab1
 empno       deptno      name       phone
 ----------- ----------- ---------- -----
           1           1 smith      3245
           1           2 smith      8282
           2           2 smith      9999
           3           2 smith      8888
           1           2 jones      9999
           2           3 jones      9999