Best Practices for Working with Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server
Review the best practices for working
with Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server.
Do Not Start Multiple Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server Sessions
If you start Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server from the command line while Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development is running, Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development becomes unstable and displays error messages if you perform any action in Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development. This is due to conflicts between the Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server session you started from the command line and the Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server session started by Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development.
Use Column Aliases When Entering Queries
Output column names for query result sets are generated by the source database. When you apply a function to an attribute in a query, the output column name is different for different databases and may bear no relation to the source column name. You can define custom column names to be used as port attribute names and shown in the Data Viewer, by adding column aliases when you enter queries.
Avoid System Error in JavaScript Editor While Debugging Large Scripts
The default maximum size of the JavaScript engine runtime is 20000000 bytes, or 19.07MB. Debugging large scripts or long running scripts such as a script with many loop iterations, you may encounter a memory issue.
Do Not Perform DDL Operations in Transactional Projects
Database target or interface combinations behave differently for data definition language (DDL) transactions, so avoid performing DDL operations in a preprocessing sql statement and postprocessing sql statement for transactional projects. If needed, perform DDL operations in a nontransactional project.