Use the the JavaScript Editor and Debugge to execute and test the scripts using a single input record.
Navigator – consists of the Variables tab and the JavaScript tab. The Variable tab consists of input port and output port variables, temporary, and predefined variables. The JavaScript tab includes all functions, commands, and system variables that can be applied within the procedure.
Edit/Debug pane – lets you edit the actual code.
Tasks – displays the results of the validation after your procedure has been compiled.
Watch List – displays selected variables and their values when stepping through the code during debugging.
Input Records – displays the content of the current input record. To synchronize input records and output records, click Start debugging on the toolbar.
Output Record – displays the content of the current output record.
Expression – displays the result of the expression after you enter a JavaScript expression and click Evaluate on the toolbar.
The Evaluate button is disabled when you are not in an active debugging session.