Configuring the IQ Loader DB via Insert Location Component

Add and configure a IQ Loader DB via Insert Location component to your project.

  1. Drag the IQ Loader DB via Insert Location component into the Design window.
  2. Enter IQ database connection properties for the destination database.
    • Host

    • User

    • Password

    • Database – select the database to use as the destination database.

    • Schema – select schema/owner to restrict the objects that appear and create new tables in that schema.

    Click Processing to enter preprocessing and postprocessing SQL statement on the IQ destination database.

    Click Logon to view the list of available tables.

    Click Next.

  3. Enter connection information for the source database and select the tables to transfer.
    • Select Use remote server definition for accessing source database to get data and metadata from the source. Select this option only if you have used the Create Server command to define the source server as a remote server on the destination IQ database. If you do not select this option, you are directly connected to the source data using the configuration information provided in the .INI or interfaces file.

    • Host

    • Database

    • Schema – select schema/owner to restrict the objects displayed and create new tables in that schema.

    • Click Processing to enter preprocessing and postprocessing SQL on the source database.

    • Select Create Target Tables to create the destination tables if they do not exist.

    • Select Continue on Error if you want processing to continue even if an error occurs when loading data into a database.

    • Select Encrypted Password to transmit the password in encrypted format.


      When used as a remote server, Sybase IQ does not support password encryption.

    • Select Use IQ Multiplex to support multiplex execution by using multiple writers for loading data to IQ. Select this option if more than one table is being migrated to the IQ database.

    • Select Lock Table to lock the target table in Exclusive mode and prevent it from being updated by concurrent transactions. If selected, no other transaction can execute queries or perform any updates against the locked table. The Lock Table option also queues multiple projects that load the same table in Sybase IQ.

      If you select this option, you must also specify the maximum blocking time that the project should wait before acquiring the lock.

    • Enter a network packet size in the Packet Size field.

    • Enter a value in the Limit Rows field.

    • Specify the number of rows to skip at the beginning of the input tables for a load in the Skip Rows field.

    • Click Logon to view the list of available tables for the specified database. By default, each table is selected for transfer. Unselect the Transfer option for tables you do not want to transfer. You can also choose one or multiple table rows, right-click and select Exclude. To include a table for transfer, right-click and select Transfer.

      • Click Exclude all objects from transfer to exclude all tables.

      • Click Include all objects in transfer to include all tables.

    • Click Next.

  4. Verify the source tables. They should be in the following format:
  5. Select the destination tables. There should be a one-to-one mapping (one source for each destination) between sources and destinations.
  6. Click “Truncate Destination” to delete all existing data rows from the destination table.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Review the load configuration summary. Click Finish.
Related reference
Multiple Writers Configuration for Loading Data