The Text Data Sink Properties list identifies the required and optional properties of the Text Data Sink component.
Property |
Description |
Text Destination |
Specify the output file. Text Data Sink prompts you for the destination file when you add a component to a project. To specify a destination file, click the Destination File icon in the Properties window, and select an existing file, or type the full path and file name to create one during project execution. |
Columns |
Define columns for data in the source file. If there is a property value defined, the Columns value reflects the port structure or attribute values you defined on the Component window. |
Property |
Description |
Row Delimiter |
Alternatively, you can enter a different delimiter. |
Row Length |
If you have selected Position as the Row Delimiter, specify the number of characters in each fixed row. |
Column Delimiter |
Alternatively, you can enter a different delimiter. |
Column Quote |
Alternatively, enter a different quote character or string |
Fixed by Bytes |
For example, suppose your source file includes binary: 0x61 62 63 d6 d0 ce c4 61 62 63 64 65 and has these characteristics: Note:
0xd6d0, c4c4 represents 2 Chinese characters in GB2312. |
Encoding |
Set the current character encoding. |
Append Column Delimiter |
Select if you want the column delimiter to be appended to the end of a row. Selecting this option enhances the performance while loading output files into IQ. |
Column Header |
Write the column names to the file. |
Header |
Create a report header to write to the file. Text Data Sink writes the header before it writes the incoming data. Enter the header text; you can use SBN. |
Append Data |
Append incoming data to the destination file. If you do not set this value, Text Data Sink overwrites any existing data in the destination file. |
Write Block Size |
Specify the number of records that Sybase IQ InfoPrimer writes to the file in a single write operation. |
Transactional |
All work performed by the component, including preprocessing SQL statements and postprocessing SQL statements, is done in a single database transaction that is committed when the project finishes normally. Select this option to roll back the transaction, if this component encounters an error. |