DB Staging Properties List

The DB Staging Properties list identifies the required and optional properties of the Data Staging component.

Required Properties




Identify the method or driver to use to connect to the datasource.

Host Name

Identify the datasource. The options that appear in the Host Name list depend on the interface you select.

Stage Options

Set the staging options.


Create a query that retrieves information from the datasource. Use the Query window to create a simple query, or click the Query Designer icon to open the Query Designer.

Optional Properties



User and Password

Identify an authorized database user and protect the database against unauthorized access.

Read Block Size

Determine the number of records retrieved by the component in a single step.

Pre Processing SQL

Create a script that runs during component initialization. Scripts can include one or more SQL statements. If you use multiple statements, separate them with a semicolon (;).

PreOutput Processing SQL

Specify an additional SQL script that is executed after all the data from the transformation flow has been loaded into the tables associated with the input ports, and before the query resultset is retrieved. This property enables you to modify or update the staging tables before the output is created.

Post Processing SQL

Create a script that runs after all components execute. Scripts can include one or more SQL statements. If you use multiple statements, separate them with a semicolon (;).


Identify the database to use as datasource. If you select this option, you must also select an appropriate interface, and in some cases, specify an appropriate user ID and password.


Identify the schema or owner you want to use as datasource. The objects that appear are restricted accordingly and new tables are created in the schema you specify.

Standardize Data Format

Convert incoming DATE and NUMBER information into a standard format that Sybase IQ InfoPrimer can move between systems that support different formats.

Dates are converted into this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s. For example:
2005-12-01 16:40:59.123
Numbers are converted using a period (“.”) as the decimal separator.

IQ Lock Table in Exclusive Mode

Lock the target table to prevent it from being updated by concurrent transactions. When an exclusive table lock is applied, no other transaction can execute queries or perform any updates against the locked table. The IQ Lock Table in Exclusive Mode option also queues multiple projects that load the same table in Sybase IQ.

Wait Time for IQ Lock Table

Specify the maximum blocking time that the project should wait before acquiring an exclusive lock.

Specify the time argument in the format hh:mm:ss.sss.. When you do not enter a time argument, the server does not wait. When you specify “00:00:00.000” as the time argument, the server waits indefinitely until an exclusive lock is available or an interruption occurs.

Load Stage Path

Specify a data file path. The load stage file must reside on the same machine as the IQ Server.

When using a Sybase IQ database, if you specify a Load Stage Path, the component uses the LOAD TABLE statement instead of using SQL statements. This leads to faster performance.


You need not specify the Load Stage Path when client-side loading is enabled for your Sybase IQ 15.0 and later staging database with ODBC interface. The IQ server automatically uses its default LOAD TABLE statement to add records from files located on the remote host machines into the Sybase IQ table.

To create a pipe, specify pipe:// as the Load Stage Path parameter. A pipe is not used if the Load Stage Path is blank.

If you use named pipes on UNIX or Linux, the Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server and the IQ Server must reside on the same machine. This is not a requirement for Windows.

Load Stage (Server)

Specify the server path to the data file or, leave it empty when using a pipe.

If the Sybase IQ server must use a different path to the temporary data file than specified in the Load Stage property, enter it here.


You need not specify this property if the file is on the same machine as the grid engine and client-side loading is enabled for your Sybase IQ 15.0 staging database with ODBC interface. If client-side loading is enabled, the IQ server automatically uses its default LOAD TABLE statement to add records from files located on the remote host machines into the Sybase IQ table.

Create Tables

Specify if you want to automatically create tables based on the input port structures at runtime. Select:
  • None (Default) – to not automatically create tables. If a specified table does not exist, an error is thrown.

  • Non-existing – to create tables that do not exist, based on the structure of the associated input port.

  • All – to drop and re-create all tables associated with input ports based on the port structure.


This property applies to all tables associated with input ports. It cannot be specified at the table level.

Drop Tables

Specify to remove the tables that are created at runtime, after the project finishes processing. This property applies to all tables associated with input ports. It cannot be specified at the table level.


All work performed by the component, including preprocessing SQL statements and postprocessing SQL statements, is done in a single database transaction that is committed when the project finishes normally. Select this option to roll back the transaction, if this component encounters an error.

Database Options

Set options that override performance defaults and control the behavior of some transactions.