Configuring Replication CDC Service Name for Each Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server
Define the Replication CDC Service name.
Use the repcdcinstancename command
line parameter – if you define this parameter value, the
grid engine ignores the Replication CDC Service configurations in
the svc.conf file, and uses the parameter value
to start the service. To start a grid engine with the Replication
CDC Service name, ETL_RCS_INS1, using the command
line, enter:
GridNode --repcdcinstancename ETL_RCS_INS1
The CDC Provider Sybase Replication Server component
does not work if Replication CDC Service is not properly configured
and running.
Update the svc.conf file:
Navigate to the etc directory
of the installation folder and use a text editor to open the svc.conf file.
Update instance_name to
include the Replication CDC Service Name. For example, if your Replication
CDC Service name is ETL_RCS_INS1, enter:
All grid engines that start the Replication CDC Service
must be in the same subnet.