Restoring ODBC Datasources

Restore the initial set of datasources that are created by the Sybase IQ InfoPrimer installer if you are logging in to the demonstration repository. If repository datasources are lost for any reason, Sybase IQ InfoPrimer cannot access or execute the demonstration projects until you restore them.

Note: This procedure restores only the datasources; it does not restore the demonstration repository and databases to their initial state.
  1. Configure the ODBC user datasource, when the Sybase IQ InfoPrimer is installed for a single user:
    1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
      On Windows 7 and 2008, select Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Data Sources(ODBC).
      Note: To administer datasources on a 64-bit machine, run odbcad32.exe from C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Select SQL Anywhere 11. Click Finish.
    4. Enter DEMO_Repository as the ODBC datasource name.
    5. Click the Login tab and enter dba as the user ID and sql as the password.
    6. Click the Database tab and in the Start line field, enter the installation location. The default is C:\Sybase\IQIPD-15_3\dbeng11.exe.
      Note: IQ InfoPrimer Development runs dbeng11.exe for configuring the IQ InfoPrimer repository. dbeng11.exe is a single-user database that cannot be accessed from other machines. To access the repository from another machine, specify dbsrv11.exe instead of dbeng11.exe in the Start line field.
    7. Edit the Database file field:
      • If the application is installed for a single user in the default location, enter C:\Sybase\IQIPD-15_3\demodata\demo_rep.db

      • If the application is installed for all users:
        • For Windows XP or 2003 – enter C:\Documents and Settings\<login user>\Application Data\SYBASE\Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development\<product version>\Demodata\demo_rep.db.

        • For Windows 7 and 2008 – enter C:\Users\<login user>\AppData\Roaming\SYBASE\Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development\<product version>\Demodata\demo_rep.db.

    8. Click the ODBC tab and click Test Connection.
  2. Set up the repository connection:
    1. Select File > Open Repository.
    2. Select Repository from the Connection list and choose:
      • Edit or,
      • Add, and enter a name for the connection.
    3. Select ODBC from the Interface list.
    4. Select DEMO_Repository from the Host list.
    5. Click Save.
  3. Configure the additional ODBC user datasources required by the projects in the demo repository:
    • Driver – SQL Anywhere 11
    • Name – ETLDEMO_DWH; database – demo_dwh.db
    • Name – ETLDEMO_GER; database – demo_ger.db
    • Name – ETLDEMO_US; database – demo_us.db

    The database files for these user datasources are also located in the Demodata folder of the installation directory, when installed for a single user, or in the user data directory, when installed for all users.