Grid Engine Registration

The grid architecture reduces job execution time by using parallel execution of projects on multiple distributed engines. After you install grid engines, you can register them for a special repository.

To leverage this scalability, you must:
  • Install multiple grid engines

  • Register your grid engines

  • Prepare jobs for multiengine execution


The terms “grid engine” and “IQ InfoPrimer server” are used interchangeably in this guide.

To register grid engines, select Tools > Engine Manager. If connections to multiple repositories are open, select one of them. The Engine Manager window displays a list of engines that are already registered for the selected repository.

The properties of a registered engine are:
  • Name – user-defined name for the engine.

  • Host – name or IP address of the engine host.

  • Port – number of the port the engine is listening on.

  • Base Rank – user-defined ranking for the engines. A job first tries to executes the projects on the highest ranked engines.

  • Description – description for the server.

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Reducing Job Execution Time Using Multiple Engines