Changing the da_admin Password

Modify the da_admin password on either a DA server or DA agent.

  1. To change the da_admin password for a DA server:
    1. Navigate to $Sybase\DA-15_5\server\<instance_name>\security\.
    2. Run the platform-dependent command.
      • Windows
      • UNIX
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions. Restart the DA server for the password change to take effect.
  2. To change the da_admin password for a DA agent:
    1. Navigate to $Sybase\DA-15_5\agent\<instance_name>\security\.
    2. Run the platform-dependent command.
      • Windows
      • UNIX
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions. Restart the DA agent for the password change to take effect.
      If the DA agent is in use within a DA deployment, the agent connection settings have to be updated with the new password.