Before You Reinstall

This information pertains to reinstalling the current version of Event Stream Processor over the same version. There are various things to be aware of before reinstalling, for example, back up important information before reinstalling ESP. Information that is not backed up is overwritten or deleted.

For information on updating from a previous version, see Updating from a Previous Version of Event Stream Processor.

Before reinstalling in the same folder as an existing installation, ensure that the backups include:

To ensure examples run cleanly in the new installation, remove any examples you have previously loaded into a workspace.

To remove a project from a workspace, within Studio, right-click the project name in the file explorer and select Remove from workspace.

If the chosen security type is either Kerberos or LDAP for both your previous and new installations, the option to input Kerberos or LDAP configuration does not appear, as the installer adheres to the file created by your previous installation. To input Kerberos or LDAP configuration information during the new installation, select a different security type, then select Kerberos or LDAP, and the input options will appear.

Note: When you are re-installing Event Stream Processor 5.1 on top of an existing 5.1 installation, and files from that installation are in use, the installer reboots the system at the end of the installation without warning.

When you have completed the reinstallation, copy the backed-up files back into their original location in the installed directory structure to restore system data and customizations from your previous installation.