Updating from Version 5.1 or 5.1 SP01 to 5.1 SP02

To update from the initial 5.1 version, or 5.1 SP01, install SP02 on top of your current version. To preserve existing configuration settings and projects, perform a backup on critical files before installing SP02.

  1. Prior to installing SP02, make a backup of the following files and directories:
    1. <install dir>/ESP-5_1/cluster
    2. <install dir>/ESP-5_1/security
    3. <install dir>/ESP-5_1/bin/service.xml
    4. <install dir>/ESP-5_1/studio/clustercfg
    5. <install dir>/SCC-3_2/plugins/ESPMAP/ProductModule.xml
    6. <install dir>/SCC-3_2/services/Repository/scc_repository.db
    7. <install dir>/SCC-3_2/services/Repository/scc_repository.log
    8. <install dir>/SCC-3_2/conf/csi_config.xml
    9. Studio workspace directory
  2. Ensure that the 5.1 license file or license server settings are available.
  3. Run the installer for SP02:
    1. Choose the same installation location as 5.1.
    2. When prompted, specify the 5.1 license file or license server properties.
    3. For the cluster and security options, it does not matter what values you enter: they will be overridden when you restore the files you backed up in Step 1.
    4. If installing Studio, select the same workspace directory location as version 5.1.
  4. Once the installation is complete, restore the files and directories backed up in step 1 to their original locations.