Installed Directory Structure

An explanation of files and folders created by the installer.

A number of directories are created after installation and contain important files. These files and directories exist in the install directory you selected or created during installation.

Directory or File Description
charsets Contains subdirectories with collating sequence files for each supported character set including ASCII, unicode, and UTF8.

This directory is installed when you install ESP Server.

collate Contains additional supporting files for unicode.

This directory is installed when you install ESP Server.

ESP-5_1 Contains the folders:
  • adapters – holds files that relate to the configuration of adapters, examples, and batch files.
  • bin – holds the executable files that make up Event Stream Processor (with the exception of Studio), including the command line tools. Also contains the .dll files used by ESP.
  • cluster – holds cluster configuration XML examples and node information.
  • doc – holds a PDF version of the terms and conditions file.
  • etc – holds .xsd files and the FIX data dictionary.
  • examples – holds CCL examples, as well as examples for the C, Java, and .NET SDKs.
  • include – holds header files for C SDK.
  • lib – holds adapter .cnxml and library files, as well as JRE used by ESP Server.
  • libj – holds JAR files.
  • net – holds files pertaining to the .NET SDK (On Windows platforms only).
  • odbc – holds the .dll files for ODBC.
  • security – holds XML files for all security options (Kerberos, LDAP, RSA, SAP BI,and Native OS).
  • studio – holds files and folders relating to Studio, including examples for the learning perspective.
  • sysam – holds SYSAM licensing information.
  • wsp – holds Web Services Provider files
ini Contains certificates for Certificate Authority from third-party certificate vendors.

This directory is installed when you install ESP Server.

jre32 Contains the JRE used by the installer and uninstaller for a 32-bit version of Windows.
jre64 Contains the JRE used by the installer and uninstaller for a 64-bit version of Windows.
locales Contains files that Event Stream Processor uses to load localization information. By default, US-English only.

This directory is installed when you install ESP Server.

log Contains the installer log files.
OCS-15_0 Contains supporting files for Open Client Server, including the Open Client library which the Event Stream Processor uses to communicate with the Adaptive Server Enterprise database.
SCC-3_2 Contains supporting files for Sybase Control Center (SCC). This is installed when SCC for Event Stream Processor is installed, or when the ESP Server is installed with the SCC Agent for Event Stream Processor.
Shared Contains files shared by other SAP products installed to the same root directory.
Sybase_Install_Registry Contains the install registry.
sybuninstall Contains the folders:
  • comp – holds the executable files for uninstalling specific components of the product.
  • ESP - holds the executable file for performing a complete uninstall of the product.
SYSAM-2_0 Contains SYSAM licensing tools and a license file.
SYBASE.bat Used to set environment variables that are required for ESP (such as ESP_HOME).

An additional directory is created when installing the Studio. The workspaces directory contains the files for the Studio workspace. Specify the location for the workspaces directory at install-time.

If you also install the PowerDesigner® extensions, the installer adds the following directories and files to the root directory of the PowerDesigner installation:

Directory or File Description
\Examples\ESP Contains sample models for the PowerDesigner extensions for Event Stream Processor.
\Resource Files\ESPCompiler Contains these sub-directories:
  • bin - contains esp_compiler.exe and all the .dll files from %ESP_HOME%\bin
  • bin\i18n - contains entire contents of %ESP_HOME%\bin\i18n
  • lib - contains all files from %ESP_HOME%\lib
  • etc - contains all files from %ESP_HOME%\etc