
The HTTPRemoteControl implementation provides an HTTP-based remote control, turning your adapter into a simple Web server.

The Remote control listens for HTTP requests on a defined port (the default is 80 ) and replies with a simple HTML interface. This interface represents a control panel, and the buttons generate HTTP get requests. The Remote control parses these URLs into remote control requests.

For adapter A, set:

A.Controller.RemoteControl.ClassName = org...standard.HTTPRemoteControl
A.Controller.RemoteControl.HTTPPort = ? A.Controller.RemoteControl.ControlPassword = ?

The HTTPPort and ControlPassword properties are optional. They default to port 80 and no password.

To test this remote control, type this URL into a browser: http://<hostname>:<port>

You see a control panel that supports the dynamic control interface. The control interface is based on parsing the URL so that you may cut and paste the URLs and use them on existing Web sites. Add &reply=false to the URL to disable the control interface in the reply.

The syntax for the URL is:
 http:// HostName :Port/ ?name= ControllerName &method= Method &password= ControlPassword &arg1= Arg-Value ... &argN= ArgValue &reply={true|false}

The HTTPRemoteControl parses this URL and creates a request DataObject, which the AbstractRemoteControl processes.