Socket (As Server) XML Input Adapter

Adapter type: xml_sockin_in. The Socket (As Server) XML Input adapter receives data in Event Stream Processor format from the incoming network adapter.

Another program initiates the connection and then sends the data.

This adapter can be configured to send only the base state of the stream, and can be repeatedly reconnected.

If you use the CCL ATTACH ADAPTER statement to attach an adapter, you must supply the adapter type.

Property Label Description

Property ID: port

Type: int

(Required) Server port. If port is set to -1, the adapter reads from the Ephemeral Port File. Default value is 12345.

Match Stream Name

Property ID: matchStreamName

Type: boolean

(Optional) If true, the XML element names are matched against the stream name. Unmatched messages are discarded. Default value is false.

Ephemeral Port File

Property ID: epFile

Type: filename

(Advanced) The file that contains the port number, if port is -1. No default value

Initial Listen Period (seconds)

Property ID: retryperiod

Type: uint

(Advanced) Designates the length of time to wait for the first incoming connection before switching to the continuous state. Default value is 0.

Enter Initial State

Property ID: initial

Type: choice

(Advanced) Indicates when the adapter enters the initial loading state. Default value is never.

Convert to Safe Opcodes

Property ID: safeOps

Type: boolean

(Advanced) Converts the opcodes INSERT and UPDATE to UPSERT, and DELETE to SAFEDELETE. Default value is false.

Skip Deletes

Property ID: skipDels

Type: boolean

(Advanced) Skips the rows with opcodes DELETE or SAFEDELETE. Default value is false.

Date Format

Property ID: dateFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) The format string for parsing date values. Default value is %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.

Timestamp Format

Property ID: timestampFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) The format string for parsing timestamp values. Default value is %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S

Block Size

Property ID: blockSize

Type: int

(Advanced) Number of records to block into one pseudo-transaction. Default value is 1.

Use Envelopes

Property ID: useEnvelopes

Type: boolean

(Advanced) Specify the block type the adapter uses to pass data to the engine. If you specify a blockSize property greater than zero, by default, the adapter packages rows into transaction blocks to send to the engine. To get the adapter to package rows into envelope blocks instead, set this property to true. Default value is false.

Field Mapping

Property ID: permutation

Type: permutation

Mapping between Event Stream Processor and external fields, for example:


Property ID: propertyset

Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies the name of the property set. Property sets are reusable sets of properties that are stored in the project configuration file. Using these sets allows you to move adapter configuration properties out of the CCL file and into the CCR file. If you specify the same properties in the project configuration file and the ATTACH ADAPTER statement, the values in the property set override the values defined in the ATTACH ADAPTER statement. No default value.

Known limitations:
  • The adapter ignores the stream name in the file entries.
  • All the data is sent to the same stream.
  • Supports only one network connection at a time.