Connect to ESP using the Linux ODBC Driver

Allows you to access ESP content by connecting to ESP using Linux ODBC.

Connect to the Linux ESP ODBC driver.
  1. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to <unixODBC2.3>/lib:$ESP_HOME/odbc
  2. Set the environment variable PATH to <unixODBC2.3>/bin
  3. Configure a data source name (DSN) by defining the DSN parameters:
    DSN Parameters
    Property Description

    Property ID: Servername

    Type: string

    (Required) Cluster host name.


    Property ID: Driver

    Type: string

    (Required) Path to the ESP ODBC Driver.


    Property ID: Port

    Type: integer

    (Required) Cluster port.


    Property ID: Database

    Type: string

    (Required) String specifying project and authentication. For example,





    Property ID: Username

    Type: string

    (Required) Cluster login user.


    Property ID: Password

    Type: string

    (Required) Cluster login password.


    Property ID: SSLMode

    Type: Enum 'enable | disable'

    (Optional) Cluster SSL Mode.

  4. Start an ESP project and enter some data in the project stream or window.
  5. Use isql or iusql (for Unicode) to run an SQL statement to extract the data from ESP. For example, here Trades is a stream or window in the ESP project that you started:
    isql -v myesp
    Sql > select * from Trades

    Now you can access and read data from an ESP project running on a Linux machine.